(Get) Well Drinks

While at the doctor’s office the other day, she surprised me with a rhetorical question, “Flu shot?” The next thing I knew my arm was tender and I was coming down with cold and flu symptoms.


Being that I was in Oreggano’s neck of the woods when the symptoms presented, she and I decided to meet up for appetizers and drinks. Or, as I referred to them, get well drinks.


Well drinks, by definition, are typically mixed drinks made with the bar’s least expensive, generic liquor. Liquor varieties include vodka, bourbon, whiskey, gin, tequila, rum and brandy. I started with bourbon. Being that it was paired with peach, mint and bitters, I figured I would get well in no time.


Oreggano opted against getting well and instead focused on her heart with a glass of malbec. By round two, I decided to take my attempt for wellness up a notch and enjoyed (medicinally only, of course) a hot toddy made with whiskey. “That’s disgusting,” Oreggano told me after tasting it. “The steps we take to get to wellness are not always pretty,” I advised her.


I’m not sure if I’m well yet. Thus, I’ll give it another go again today. This time with brandy – she’s a fine girl.

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