Freestyle Five

Before we took New York City by storm, Hurricane Sandy and Nor’easter Athena literally took her by storm. Knowing that the third time was the charm, we decided the little natural disaster we call ‘us’ needed an official name.


We started with Seismic Six, however, due to unforeseen circumstances (the weather), Big Bounty wasn’t able to join us. Thus, Seismic Six soon became Freestyle Five.


To be truthful, we couldn’t think of a good descriptor, so we were only Five until we arrived at Rockefeller Center to find ice skaters enjoying the Fall air. Their skating abilities varied, however, there were a few who were quite skilled. “Should we give it a go?” I asked (Adjective needed) Five. “I took up to Freestyle 3, so I should be able to do it,” Beaner replied. “I think we just found our name,” I replied. “Speaking of names, maybe you should change her blog name to Freestyle,” Live Longer suggested.


I’ll have to think about that one – Beaner was Beaner before beaner was bad. Freestyle is good, but I think something more along Beaner’s level of experience would be better. Maybe Salchow or Toe Walley (I dropped the ‘Jump’ from each on account of creative liberty).


In the meantime, the Freestyle Five are alive and well, though not necessarily disaster free, in New York City. We’re lutzing, axeling, camel spinning (preferred over camel toeing), and we may decide to open choctaw. Regardless of the activity we engage in this weekend, per the advice of our attorney, we’re taking the fifth…of vodka!

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