Big girl voice

I’ve traveled with Oreggano and Sleepless on numerous occasions. On one trip, they decided they didn’t want to participate in a particular activity and instead of telling everyone in the group, they told me and asked that I share their feelings with others. Since that trip, they have been practicing using their big girl voices and I’ve been very proud of them.


This trip, we discussed a visit at the Turkish Bath House, thus, I advised everyone to bring a swimsuit. The day we were considering going, Oreggano told us she didn’t bring her suit. “Nothing wrong with going naked,” I told her. “Except germs,” Sleepless interjected. A few hours later, Oreggano told us, “OK, you know what, I don’t want to go to the Russian Bath House.” “What about the Turkish Bath House?” I asked. “You know what I mean. Aren’t you proud of me for using my big girl voice?” she replied. “Yes. Yes, I am,” I told in my proud mama voice.


Later that night, after several hours of dancing and drinking at one of our favorite Manhattan pubs, Sleepless approached me, “I think we need to go soon. Oreggano is getting tired.” I looked over at Oreggano who did, in fact, appear tired. I shared Sleepless’ directive with Live Longer. “Why didn’t Oreggano use her big girl voice and tell us herself?” Live Longer asked. “Good point,” I replied.

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