Something borrowed, something loo.

With her wedding day upon her, Sleepless was not yet sure what borrowed item she should wear. “Can I borrow a pair of socks, just in case?” she asked. “Of course,” I replied and asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to borrow a pair of my underwear again?” Sharing underwear, like using the loo in front of a friend or loved one, is one of many ways to take a relationship to another level.  Being that we’ve already done both, Sleepless opted to stick with the pair she purchased specifically for the wedding.


As Oper was doing Sleepless’ make-up, we were discussing how much work it takes to plan a wedding. “Why do you think I’ve only done it twice?” Oper asked. We laughed and I continued to look for a special piece of paper on which Sleepless could write her vows. I knew I’d found the perfect piece when I saw a used piece trimmed with fall leaves, mounting stickers where pictures used to be, and this text, “‘Fall’in’ in love…honey & me.” It went on to detail the date when and canyon where the missing pictures must have been taken. “I think this is perfect! Its even from October. October 1998, but still,” I told her. “Who is honey?” she asked. “My ex-husband,” I advised. “You mean the one guy you were married to that one time when you were married?””That’s the one,” I replied. Even if she didn’t wear my socks, this borrowed piece of history would be a great borrowed asset on her big day.


A few hours later, I was with Oreggano and Cream Of Tartar getting ready to for the wedding. As I prepped in their guest bathroom, Oreggano prepped in the master bathroom and Cream Of Tartar hung out in their bedroom. I was chatting with them about various matters and poked my head around their bedroom door to finish the conversation. To my surprise, Cream Of Tartar had moved from the bed and was sitting on the toilet, door wide open. “I pee sitting down,” he shouted out as I quickly retreated to the guest bathroom and Oreggano ran out of their room, laughing hysterically. “Pretty sure we just took this relationship to another level,” I told Cream Of Tartar.

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