Sexy suit

Everybody’s got a sexy suit – that outfit you don that screams to people, “game one.” For those who don’t have a sexy suit, there are other options; for example, my costume box.


Within minutes of returning from winemaking, me and a few others were in my basement selecting a little something special to wear. One of the gentleman from the class chose a muumuu and then handed me the footed pajamas, “I think you should wear this.” Being that I’d worn them before, and they were relatively comfortable, I obliged.


We returned to the stoop in our sexy suits and found that our friends were completely unfazed by our attire. “Aren’t those comfortable?” Oreggano said upon noticing the muumuu and then continued her conversation with BioMom.


As the evening progressed, I provided muumuu man a tour of my backyard. “Will two people fit in there?” he asked as we walked by the hammock. “Probably,” I said. A few minutes later, I was on the hammock, in my footed pajamas tucked into a pair of wellies, lying next to a man in a muumuu. Justin Timberlake would be proud because we, clearly, brought sexy back.


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