Pubic Service Announcement

Public Service Announcements, often referred to as PSAs, are free media messages created for the public to increase awareness about a certain issue or concern to, ultimately, create a change for the positive.


A Pubic Service Announcement, though completely different, has a few similarities. This announcement is not typically disseminated by the media and ‘private’ parties are usually the only individuals privy to the ‘announcement.’ Regardless of whether or not the message is public or private, if you get a pubic service announcement, you should pay attention. You’ll know when you see it. It’s that look of shock on the face of a friend or lover when when they see your bikini line, or lack of, from across the room.


If that isn’t message enough that something needs to be done, then their actual messages to you should create change. “There’s an online coupon for laser. $99 for a small area, $219 for a large area,” was the message I received from The Responsible One. “What are you trying to say?” I asked. “You’re going to need to save up $219 dollars,” was her reply.


Others have been more subtle, like That’s Not Chinese, “You know I do laser. You only have to go in every so often. It can be expensive, but it’s worth it.” She’s probably right. Service begets service. That said, I’m planning to schedule a service so I can, hopefully and eventually, get serviced – both would be positive changes.

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