No gifts please

We’ve all received the wedding announcements with the italicized note on the bottom, “No gifts please.” The direct translation for these extra letters on a printed invitation is, “we’ve got way too much stuff to take in that used hot dog roaster you got at your most recent wedding….but feel free to bring us your best bottle of wine.”


While dining on fine wine and pizza with Sleepless and Ice Cream Man,  we were discussing songs for the DJ to play at their ‘No gifts please’ wedding.  I provided a few gems, but Ice Cream Man was pretty focused on Bon Jovi and Peter Gabriel. “Did I tell you I got a call from Vegas offering me second row tickets to Peter Gabriel AND lodging the night of our wedding?” he asked Sleepless. “Did I tell you I never received a RSVP card and envelope in my invitation, so please accept this RSVP – I’ll be at Peter Gabriel in Vegas, second row. Congrats on your engagement,” I replied.


Ice Cream Man blew off my comment and continued to research songs by New Jersey’s favorite mullet bearer. I made some comment about my gift to them being  me dressed up as one of his favorite artists (wish I could remember which one) and Sleepless, who had been quasi listening to the banter between Ice Cream Man and I, wisely stated, “No gifts please.” No problem.


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