KSAs and JOJs

If you’ve ever applied for a job with the federal government (or, now, read my blog), you know that KSA stands for knowledge, skill and ability. These are very important to the feds because they believe KSAs demonstrate qualifying experience, education and training. Thus, they are quite particular about the definition and interpretation of each. As a result, if you ever apply to work for the feds, you quickly develop the knowledge (K) that the process is extremely long; master the skill (S) of manipulating the application; and, after multiple drug tests, develop the ability (A) to undilute your urine. Yes, undilute. Apparently, drinking too much water is suspect. At the end of the application and interview process, it becomes clear that the KSAs aren’t quite as important as the background checks. So, regardless of your KSAs, your spending habits and other ‘habits’ could result in you not getting the job. At this point, you will move quickly to a place of KMA – that stands for kiss my ass.


While helping MiniMe sew a Halloween costume, Live Longer offered to sinch the sleeves. “I thought you couldn’t sew,” I said. “I’m Asian. It’s gotta be in my genes. Want a pedicure?” she replied and added, “I can say that, I’m Asian.” We then discussed different jobs often worked by Asians in America and the fact that some Asians aren’t respected by other Asians. “Like the JOJs,” she told us. “The what?” Tree asked. “JOJs – Just off jets. They’re the ones who get off the planes wearing all the designer clothes and carrying Prada bags. We don’t really like them,” she advised. She quickly finished sinching the sleeve and returned the dress to MiniMe. “Wow, you’re fast,” I observed. “I’m Asian,” she replied.


Live Longer will most likely never pursue a career as a tailor or cosmetologist but, should she choose to do so, she’s got the KSAsians.

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