Brunch is for A-holes

Sometimes, when people drink, they do or say things they don’t remember. This recently happened to That’s Not Chinese. While at the wedding of Ice Cream Man and Sleepless, That’s Not Chinese invited Tree to brunch at her house. Unfortunately, she didn’t remember. Nonetheless, she grudgingly agreed to keep her drunken word.


As the date got closer, I inquired about inviting a few others. Being that she didn’t recall inviting anyone to brunch, she wasn’t too keen on this concept. Live Longer, however, loves hosting events and offered to do so at her house. Thus, one day prior to the actual event, Live Longer created an event, ‘Brunch is for A-holes.’ That’s Not Chinese and Tree were, of course, invited.


Being a major a-hole, I immediately RSVPed. Sleepless, Tree, BioMom, FatGirl, Oper and Oreggano soon followed suit. Sadly, That’s Not Chinese did not RSVP, which we didn’t understand. We weren’t (too) drunk when we made the impromptu invite, but maybe she thought we were, or maybe she was drunk and doesn’t remember receiving the invite….hmmm.


Morning of the event, I returned to Live Longer’s house wearing what I had on when I left the previous evening – her nightgown. To dress it up a bit, I belted it. Why such attire? Hello, I’m an a-hole. Surprisingly, That’s Not Chinese and Tree didn’t show. Some who know them well might say their absence comes as no surprise, but since the brunch was specifically for a-holes, I really thought they would have attended, but then again, I’m an a-hole.

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