Boyfriend sign

It’s been a while since Rusty Rogue Rafael and I have chatted. The main reason for this is we live on different continents. Thanks to technology, we message each other occasionally and, every now and again, we video chat.


As I was tooling around my house this evening I received a message from him inviting me to video chat. I hopped online and we started chatting. After a while, he asked, “Have you got a boyfriend?” “No,” I replied. “No? What’s that on your chin? It looks like a bruise,” he said. “It’s a zit,” I replied. “Really?” “Yes, really. But let’s back up here. You thought I had a bruise on my chin, so you wanted to know if I had a boyfriend? An abusive one at that?” I said to him. “Well,” he started to say. “Well?!?! No. I do not have a boyfriend – most likely because of this zit on my chin,” I advised him.


We continued to chat and he continued to try and see past my blemish. I told him I had been messaging Maverik Midget King (also on another continent) and that he wants to get married. “To who?” Rusty Rogue Rafael asked. “To me,” I replied. “No, no, no. That would be like you’re both cheating on me. Honestly, it pains me.  I really don’t think I could handle that,” he said, holding his chest, and with sincere sadness in his voice and face. I didn’t promise him otherwise, instead, changed the subject.


Prior to ending the video chat, he asked, “Can you put your hand up and touch mine? Like in prison?” I did and then he said, “I’ll look forward to our next visit.” “In the meantime, send me letters,” I replied. I doubt I’ll get letters from him and it will probably be some time before we video chat again – which is fine with me. Should allow enough time for my zit/sign of a boyfriend to go away.

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