Boots for booty

Some might think this is a public awareness campaign designed to help get winter boots for prostitutes. Wrong, but not a bad idea.


A few weeks ago, Beaner watched Barbarella and sent me this message, “We started it last night. But turned it off once we realized we needed mushrooms. It was pretty funny though. I kept thinking of you.” Nothing like having people think of you while watching Jane Fonda in one of her best films and wishing they had mushrooms. Being that it had been some time since I had watched Barbarella, I decided to check it out from the library.


Sleepless and Ice Cream Man hadn’t seen the movie so they, being the technology savvy type, watched it on Netflix. After watching, Ice Cream Man was having a hard time with the point of the movie. Sleepless thought it was to remind us to be nice to those who hurt us and to help us realize even full body vibrators break down every once in a while. I agreed with her observations and suggested it was also to help us learn the importance of boots for each outfit. “I wish I got new boots after every sexual episode,” Sleepless told me. “That’s a lot of boots. Guess that’s why they call it booty,” I replied.

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