Rhymes with pink

Oreggano and I love planning any reason to get together and eat and drink. With Sleepless and Ice Cream Man soon getting hitched, we decided to turn our brunch into a bachelorette event. Being that they requested no gifts (or kids) at their wedding, we decided to give her a gift basket full of wines and clever sayings for some of their relationship ‘firsts.’


Firsts such as anniversary, fight, Christmas and VD. To avoid any confusion, we spelled VD (Valentines Day) out for them – nobody really likes celebrating venereal disease. As we were coming up with clever rhymes for each ‘first’ tag, there were a few times when we couldn’t think of anything that was clever, let alone rhymed. “We can’t be party planners if we get stumped on this shit,” Oreggano advised me. “I know, I know. Let me phone a friend for help,” I replied and then sent a message to Maverik Midget King. “Besides ‘pink,’ what rhymes with blow job?” He quickly replied, “Dick? Moist vagina?” “Perfect,”Oreggano said.


We continued working on rhymes, opting to omit the word ‘pink’ and use ‘wine’ instead (so many words can be paired/rhymed with wine). As is often the case with the two of us, we got a bit derailed. “We need to get serious. This is our first attempt at party planners and we need to make a good impression,” she told me. “Well then,” I said, “We’re going to need some more Slick Writers.” “That’s funny. Write that shit down,” she instructed me and then asked, “What rhymes with pink? Besides stink.” “Let me think,” I replied. She missed the rhyme – our party planning business, we may need to rethink.

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