Postprandial Somnolence

Wanting to stay hydrated, I’ve been trying to drink more (non-alcoholic beverages) lately. This morning, I enjoyed a smoothie, coffee and water on my way to a training.


Once I arrived at the training, the plan was to eat and work, however, the food was quickly consumed by others so I was left with only my water. I drank it, sparingly (the only drinking fountain I saw in the building was missing a spout and appeared to be acting as a plant stand), over the course of five hours.


As soon as the training ended I decided to grab some food. I stopped at a fast food restaurant and ordered two tacos. While I waited for them to be prepared, I began craving a veggie burrito from a different fast food restaurant. Being that I had already placed my order, I paid, ate the tacos and headed to the other restaurant. The other restaurant was about 45 minutes away, which gave me plenty of time to process/digest the first two tacos.


I got the veggie burrito and ate it so quickly one would have thought I risked having someone take it from me. My water from the morning was gone, but I had ordered water from the previous restaurant and was drinking it as fast as I was consuming the burrito. I arrived home to find I was exhausted and, within minutes, was passed out on the coach experiencing what doctors call postprandial somnolence., People like me call it a food coma. Coma is essentially defined as a deep sleep and sleep is important if one is pregnant. I’m not pregnant, but I have a feeling that after my four-hour food coma, a food baby may soon be on the way.


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