No refund needed

Each year, Johnny Utah and his work host a fundraising event to help at-risk kids. As an at-risk adult, I try to help out whenever I can. This year, I attended the dinner, purchased silent auction items (one of my risk factors) and, hopefully, helped a few kids out.


In addition, Passed The Sniff Test and I committed to attend the benefit concert which was being held at one of my favorite concert venues. Knowing shows frequently sellout, Passed The Sniff Test and I purchased our tickets as soon as the concert was announced. A week or so before the concert, Johnny Utah advised us there had been a lack of ticket sales so the prices had gone down and the venue was changing.  He offered to refund some of our money, however, I maintained the same policy I had when managing the charity hot dog cart with Tree, “It’s for the kids.” Thus, no refund needed.


Passed The Sniff Test and I arrived at the venue, excited to hear the band (neither of us were familiar with them), and ready to donate more money to the charity. Upon arriving, Johnny Utah greeted us and thanked us for coming. “You guys are seriously awesome,” he told us. “How many tickets did you end up selling?” we asked. He said nothing, looked around, and then held up two fingers. “Only two? The two we bought?” Passed The Sniff Test asked. “Yep,” Johnny Utah sadly confirmed. “Two is better than none,” I said and added, “It’s for the kids.” And with that, we enjoyed a nearly private $50 concert. No refund needed.



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