Different Tune

While at a work social, one of my coworkers decided to sing for everyone. Her songs of choice: Whistle and Sexy and I know It. So, while the rest of us were enjoying a nice beverage and toasting marshmallows over a can of chafing gel, she was singing – proudly and loudly.


“Can you blow my whistle baby…..just put your lips together and you come real close,” was a line she really nailed, several times. “I got passion in my pants and I ain’t afraid to show it, show it, show it,” is what she was singing as she shook the passion/fullback panties in her white pants and headed over to a table of male coworkers.


Once there, she changed her tune a bit and started singing September (rather appropriate considering the month), “Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the mind of pretenders.”


The next day, she completely changed her tune. This time it wasn’t love that was changing the mind of this pretender, rather, it was work.  She was really hoping and pretending none of this was recorded by the multiple cell phones that were out and poised on her during her act. She should be fine, so long as there aren’t any whistle blowers in the group.


Her performance will forever more be one of those ‘Do you remember?’ moments. If anyone forgets, we’ll just pull out one of the videos and reminisce, “Ah, girl, look at that body.” “I’m sexy and I know it,” will most likely be her reply.

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