Best laid plans

I love a concert and so does BeCuz. As a result, we often attend them together. A while back, she suggested an upcoming concert and told me tickets could be purchased at a local mattress retailer. She wasn’t kidding. A few days later, we learned the sale ended. It wasn’t that they had a big mattress/concert ticket blowout and quantities were limited, rather, it was that ‘The Script‘ had been rewritten and the concert had been cancelled. Like a mattress, I’m glad we didn’t jump on that purchase.


A few months ago I purchased tickets to several concerts from an actual concert venue. I purchased four tickets to one of the concerts because I really liked the artist and figured I could easily find three people who liked him as much as I did. As the concert date approached, I invited BeCuz to join me. She hadn’t heard of him, but took the offer. The day before the concert, I invited Sleepless and Ice Cream Man – they also accepted.


Day of, we met up at Ice Cream Man’s place for pre-concert drinks and dining. As we leisurely approached the venue, BeCuz advised us her husband thought perhaps she wasn’t being honest about our evening activities because he couldn’t see the concert on the venue’s website. “We checked the artist’s website and it was there,” she told us. We got closer and there was no line, no concert bus and very dim lighting. No concert. The venue was closed and the marquee did not even reflect a cancellation. Ice Cream Man immediately got online and read to us what he found, “As of 8/6, this event has been cancelled.” “Looks like your husband was right,” I told BeCuz. “You should totally go home and tell him the concert was great,” Sleepless suggested. “Yes, yes, good idea. Let’s go back and drink while I try to process this,” I said and added, “This is precisely why I don’t normally plan things. I’m sure Ben Howard is just as confused about this as I am.” They all thought it was quite funny that I took them to a cancelled concert – as long as they had a good time, that is all that matters.


Later, BeCuz sent me a message, “Thank you for your creative intervention. I had no idea you would go to such great lengths to get me out on a Sunday night.” Best laid plans….

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