Rumor Control

“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” – Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray


With this in mind, I packed up the suitcase and walked out the door. I had not even made it to the end of the block when a neighbor  asked where I was headed. “Creme de la Femme’s place,” I replied. “Do I dare ask what is in the suitcase?” my neighbor asked. “Costumes,” I said and added, “I’m helping him make a video.” “Whoa. I knew he was kinky, but this kinky?” my neighbor replied. “Oh, he is kinky alright,” I replied and kept walking.


Upon arriving at Creme Pour La Femme’s place I shared this interaction with him. “I love it! I think I may send him a text asking if I can borrow his shock collar,” Creme Pour La Femme replied.


Creme Pour La Femme is a lot like me and Oscar Wilde when it comes to rumors. I love crafting them and, as I was packing my suitcase to go to his house, I knew the neighbors would see and start talking. For me, crafting the rumor and building upon it is a really good time. Q and I used to do it all of the time at the office. Whenever we knew others were listening we would talk about our upcoming promotions, pregnancies and anything else that would get the people in the office talking.


Eight hours after walking to Creme Pour La Femme’s, in what many would consider the middle of the night, I packed up my bag of tricks and returned home. For some, this might be considered a walk of shame. For me, since I knew we had just created an award winning video and started some incredibly good gossip, I considered it a walk of fame – the only shame being it was far too late for anyone to see me walking home. Next time……

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