
Like many, since I graduated from high school I haven’t seen most of my alumni. I attempted to attend one high school reunion, only to find out I had the date wrong (silly subconscious); five years later, Mini Sprinkle Donut and I gave it another go. Just as in high school, the ‘cool kids’ sat together and we sat with the rockers/stoners. As was the case then, the rockers/stoners were the kindest and most accepting of the alumni. Surprisingly, they were also some of the most successful and happy alumni – which is exactly why being ‘cool’ has never really mattered to me. The reunion was boring and poorly attended, so we decided to do what we did in school and crash a party. In this case, it was the Catholic high school reunion taking place in the ballroom and it was a good time.


It was about this time that I decided reunions weren’t for me. So, when I received the announcement for our twenty year reunion, I was thankful to be living in a city that recycled – the invite went straight to my blue bin. I had reconnected with a few friends/alumni and we decided we would hold our own reunion at my house, only inviting a few alumni. Alas, the Elite Alumni Reunion (EAR) was born.


Unlike my first high school reunion, the first EAR was a smashing success. For starters, we got smashed and stayed smashed all night – just as we did when we hung out in high school. We made human pyramids, longed for fast food (nobody was driving anywhere), karaoked (to On My Terms and I, it is a verb), toilet papered somebody’s house, and ended up sleeping in the backyard until, 1) it started raining and 2) So Hip whacked us upside the head to inform us it was raining and we should go inside.


Due to the smashing success, our elite group decided we would reconvene, at a time to be determined at a later date, and that date has come.

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