Cream for that

Spending one’s day poolside and drinking has far more outcomes than one might think.


For starters, you learn a lot about each other. Kitty and I were discussing the days and lays of yesteryear when she came to a conclusion, “We’ve had more sex than most people will have in a lifetime.” “I don’t know if there’s truth in that, but there is definitely an antibiotic for it,” I replied, we ‘cheered’ our plastic cups and drank some more.


Meanwhile, Woody was doing one of the things he does best – both at home and on vacation – cooking for us. “I smell skunk,” Kitty declared. “I think he is burning pizza,” Buffy advised. “He is definitely burning something in there,” I said while watching Woody fan something near the oven. “There’s a cream for that,” Kitty quipped.


When Woody rejoined us outside he informed us he did not, in fact, burn himself. This is lucky for him because, based on what I saw, he would have ended up with a bit of singed hair. “Are you not vaxing?” Lady Spaniel asked him. “I leave this alone,” he said while rubbing his chest and added, “but I take good care down here – Grey Gardens.” He then looked at me with concern and said, “Not blogworthy. Do I have to prove?” “Whoa, keep the stallion in the shed,” Sumner Charles III quickly chimed in. There may be creams and antibiotics for some things, but none of us were aware of one that erases visuals.  “We’d need some MIB spray for that,” Sumner Charles III advised.


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