Pillow talk

With two bedrooms and four beds, MyFace picked the downstairs room and Q picked the upstairs room. Thus, I had to choose with whom I would room. Not wanting to make either feel left out – because it is such an honor to share a room with me – I opted to share a room with MyFace the first night and Q the second night. The third night, undecided. Perhaps, the couch.


We went to bed around 1 and, within a few minutes of laying there, MyFace spoke up, “I can’t fall asleep. It’s too quiet.” “It is definitely quiet,” I agreed. “You’re not a deep breather,” she told me. “No, no I’m not. A lot of people think I’m dead when I’m sleeping.” We spoke a while longer and finally drifted off to sleep.


The next morning we went to get massages and Q went ahead of me. As the masseuse started to strip the sheets so I could have clean sheets, Q told her, “Oh, you don’t need to change them. She likes them dirty.” Later, as I was waiting for my facial, Q and I were discussing our masseuse. “I really liked her. She told me she could tell I was tight,” Q told me. “She didn’t tell me anything like that,” I said. “That’s because she knows you’re loose,” Q quipped. Looks like I may be sharing the room and more pillow talk with MyFace on the second and the third night.

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