Coffee cup not needed

Continuing with my walking agenda, and after a long day in the yard, I advised MiniMe we were walking to That’s Not Chinese’s house for a barbecue. “It’s like 90 degrees out there,” she told me. “Best bring some water to drink along the way,” I replied, grabbed the bags packed with steak, salmon, rum, club soda, mint, raspberries, corn, sugar, a pitcher and a muddler and we headed out the door.


By the time we arrived at That’s Not Chinese’s house, all MiniMe wanted to do was feel the cool air. All I wanted to do was fill my glass, so I immediately started muddling my mint. Unfazed, like me, was unfazed by the heat and enjoying a beer. “Would you like one of these?” I asked her. “They’re good. Real good,” That’s Not Chinese told her. “We drank these on the stoop, didn’t we?” I asked That’s Not Chinese. “What haven’t we drank on the stoop?” she quipped. Good question.


Unfazed decided to enjoy a small glass of my infamous mojitos and, while she did so, That’s Not Chinese prepared the grill. “How do you like your steak?” she asked me. “In my mouth,” I replied. “Did you drink on the way over?” she asked. Indeed, I had – water. She returned from outside and asked which mojito glass was hers and which was mine. I quickly assessed which glass had the most in it and told her the less full glass belonged to her. This became a fun and tasty little game I played for some time. I, however, wasn’t the only one drinking That’s Not Chinese’s drink, Unfazed was taking a sip or two herself every now and again. “These are really good,” she told me and added, “You’re right, you can’t taste the alcohol. It’s like drinking lemonade.”


Being that MiniMe had school in the morning and had grown tired of our antics, we decided it was time to return home. I grabbed the pitcher – with just a little bit of mojito left, thanked That’s Not Chinese and Unfazed for a fabulous evening, and we began our walk. Walking perk 3,752: you can consume your pitcher of mojito along the way – it’s like drinking lemonade, thus, coffee cup not needed.

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