Pretty Two

Getting into Telluride is not an easy task. In fact, just when I thought we had arrived, I woke up to learn we were actually in Mountain Village – a town with an elevation (over 9,000 feet) that is about nine times it’s population. Due to the proximity and location of both Telluride and Mountain Village, there is a free gondola that takes visitors to and from each town. I found this news to be pretty exciting because I love cheese – bleu, swiss, havarti, gorgondola.


After an exhilarating ride up and down the mountain, we finally arrived in Telluride to find almost everyone is named Sam or Steve. Why? We have no idea. Like so many other life mysteries (how the gondola actually works), we just appreciated the facts and went about our business. For Sleepless and Ice Cream Man, this meant enjoying the delicious adult beverages at the saloon. For me, this meant enjoying Colorado’s natural spring water.


We arrived at our first film to find some family friends of Ice Cream Man. They were excited to see us and kind enough to let us cut in line with them. Cutting in line is not something we normally do, but we didn’t think too many people would be upset by this since many of the film’s supporters were actively promoting peace. As they played the guitar and sang, “This land is your land, this land is my land,” we changed the words to, “This line is your line, this line is my line,” and all was good.


Once seated in the theater, one of the family friends complimented Sleepless, “You are so pretty.” Then, not wanting me to feel bad, immediately said to me, “You’re pretty too. I saw you earlier today – before I knew you – walking around town, and I thought, ‘I wish I was brave enough to wear tights, knee highs and boots like her.'” Bravery. Pretty. They both end in ‘y,’ so I guess I see the similarities.


After one film and several hours in town, we decided to take the gondola back to Mountain Village. As we were winding down, Ice Cream Man kissed Sleepless on the forehead and said, “I think you are so pretty.” Then, he looked at me and said, “You’re pretty neat.” “Thank you,” I replied and added, “Twice in one day. Amazing.” Sleepless, the pretty one, could not stop laughing. Nothing like being the ‘pretty too’ of the pretty two.




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