Phili my glass

As many of my coworkers are aware, one of my specialties is conferences. More specifically, providing a presence at the information desk. It doesn’t matter whether or not I’m on the committee, the information desk is, more often than not, where I end up spending most of my time during the conference.


This ‘presence’ has it’s perks, such as being invited to join in the evening festivities in the ‘hospitality’ suite. In an effort to ‘share the wealth, I invited The Responsible One to join us, “Drinks with the elite tonight?” “By elite do you mean old?” she quipped. I quickly looked around to see if anyone heard her comment and then replied, “Good thing the elite don’t have the best hearing.”  She agreed to join the festivities and bring Meat Eater.


We arrived to find the drinks were flowing, as was the conversation. Being that we were with a lot of attorneys,  the conversation often involved words that some of us, attorneys included,  didn’t understand. The first example involved the discussion of a tailored suit. “How were the hands?” one of the attorney asked. “The hands?” asked the other. “Yes, the hands – the feel of the fabric.” “It felt like fabric,” the other replied. “Did it drape well?” “Drape well? It wasn’t made by Julie Andrews of The Sound of Music,” the other quipped. “That is not what I mean. You are such a philistine,” the one attorney replied. “Philistine?” the other asked. “Yes, philistine. Unsophisticated, unknowing,” advised the sophisticated attorney. “I know this,” I interjected, “My drink is gone. Can someone please phili my glass?”


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