Nice rock!

Many women are enamored with diamonds. Marilyn Monroe even sang a song and starred in a movie about them.


As most know, although I am ‘a lot of woman,’ I am not ‘many women.’ I am however, a lot like Marilyn. I’ve (currently) got blonde hair, I often don’t go by my real name, I slept with a president (of a book club, but still a president), and I am one of the world’s biggest sex symbols. Not everybody knows that last bit – I try to keep some things on the down low.


Like me, Marilyn is known for saying and doing a lot of great things. Regardless of whether or not they were scripted, they were nice. For example, “I love to do the things the censors won’t pass,” or “I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time.” Kindred spirits, me and Marilyn.


There is, however, one difference – rocks. I like rocks and she likes minerals. As she once sang, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” I’ve never been into diamonds or other minerals. Rocks, however, I love.  I love rock n’ roll; rockers – on the porch, from the eighties and, every now and again, people who are off their rockers; the “Loves Me Like a Rock” song by Paul Simon; and plain, old rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.


Thus, when TooStalky invited me to follow him to the quarry this morning, I donned my best red heels and ran out the door. We are a sight together – much like Marilyn and Charles Coburn in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. I selected my rock and, as we were getting ready to leave, one of the quarry men complimented me on my selection, “Nice rock.” Marilyn was right, “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world!”

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