Near misses

As a single female, I do a lot with my friends. As a single female, a lot of my friends are female or gay men. Thus, the majority of my photos and stories feature me near ‘misses.’ This often results in people making assumptions about my sexual preference.


That’s Not Chinese and I were on my stoop the other day when my neighbor stopped by and we started discussing relationships. “I’m not a lesbian,” That’s Not Chinese advised her. “Are you a lady loving lady?” my neighbor asked. “That’s one way to put it. I like to say I am a girl who likes girls,” That’s Not Chinese replied. “She’s trying not to be a lesbian right now. Primarily because the second date is approaching and she isn’t ready for a new roommate…yet. Maybe she is a thespian,” I quipped.


“That’s the truth about lesbians,” my neighbor replied and added, “I seem to attract straight women.” “I just attract gay men,” I replied, thought about some past experiences, and provided a revision, “I guess I attract lesbians and straight women too.” “I could see that. You definitely always have a lot of women over here,” my neighbor commented. “That’s because I’m running a brothel,” I advised her.


After they left, I thought about how grateful I am to be near misses. Although they may not be ‘friends with benefits,’ they bring lots of benefits to my life. In fact, a recent study found social relationships are good for everyone’s lives and are truly key to good health. Thus, ‘near miss’ isn’t a safety hazard, it’s a safety necessity.


To all of my near misses, thank you for the laughter, support, tears, wine and, in some cases, dreams about me. You are my oxygen!

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