Moving moment

Life is full of special moments. I had the privilege of sharing a very special moment with CounterCat the first night I arrived in Oakland.


CounterCat stopped by Center Counsel’s mom’s house to retrieve an air mattress and, in addition, received a bag of toilet paper. “Take this – I don’t like it,” his mom told CounterCat as she handed her the bag. “Why don’t you like it?” I asked. “It balls up in your crack and makes you itch,” she candidly responded. “So you’re giving it to CounterCat?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied and added, “Have fun this weekend.”


Fun was definitely in our plans and we kicked it off with digestifs in the kitchen with CounterCat sitting, as expected, on the counter. While discussing some of life’s most important matters – such as toilet paper selection, CounterCat had a ‘moving’ moment. “Was that an earthquake or did I just lose my balance?” she asked. Neither MiniMe or I felt the earth move, so we advised her she had most likely just lost her balance.


Once CounterCat regained her equilibrium, we decided to end the night right with one more special and rather unbalanced moment: the viewing of American Pie. I’d never seen the movie and both CounterCat and MiniMe felt it was crucial to my development.


I was able to sleep much better that night knowing that the toilet paper balls up, we didn’t experience an earthquake, and it may not be that big of a deal that I don’t play a musical instrument – especially the flute.



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