More than once

As we were walking to the village market, Ice Cream Man and I were discussing the most expensive film we have ever watched. “If we don’t watch any more festival films, I would have to say Big in Bollywood,” I advised him. “How so?” he asked. “Well, I figure our passes were $250, we’ve only seen two films so far, and that one was my favorite. So I would price the ticket for it at $180. Which would make the ticket price for Bidder 70, $70. Which seems appropriate,” I replied.


We actually ended up watching several other films, several of which were shorts, which ended up averaging our per ticket price at about $40. While at dinner we reminisced about the good times we’ve had the last few days. Da Bomb Pop and I had shared several deep and philosophical discussions. My favorite was the one he started like this, “I don’t want to be presumptive, but I think this next question may take two-three weeks to answer.” I answered the question immediately and we moved on to the next topic.


Sharing these discussions with Sleepless and Ice Cream Man reminded me of a question I wanted to ask them. “So what was your favorite movie?” Sleepless immediately responded, “Oh, I never see a movie more than once so I don’t really have a favorite….”I I interrupted to provide clarification, “I’m not talking about in general, I’m referring to the festival.” “I kind of wish we had let her keep talking,” Ice Cream Man said in between laughter. “This is why I’m the chaperone,” I said. “OK, I get what you mean now. Big in Bollywood,” Sleepless said and then added, “Although I did watch Dirty Chicken Ranch twice yesterday.” “It’s Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,” Ice Cream Man advised her. “That’s probably why you’ve never watched a movie more than once – you can’t remember the name,” I quipped. “That’s actually probably very true,” Sleepless agreed.


And with that we got back on the gordondola where Ice Cream Man, once again, realized he would be owing Sleepless $20.

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