Flower Plougher

It’s been a while since That’s Not Chinese and I have ploughed through our city on foot, so we planned an “early” after work walk. Our original intent was to walk around the park, however, we instead walked to one of our favorite places – the library.


As we walked, we observed all of the great things a city walk has to offer: a gate with a sign that read ‘Beware of Dog,’ and, to the right of it, a wee little Yorkshire Terrier paying no attention to the outside world; shops (we actually did a little shopping, but only because we believe in supporting our local businesses, not because we are easily swayed; stoops that we wanted to commandeer; and flowers that we did, in fact, commandeer.


With our flowers in our hair (I chose three roses and That’s Not Chinese chose two snowballs and one rose), we finished our walk. Once back at That’s Not Chinese’s house we sat on her adirondack chairs, enjoyed a glass (or two) of wine, and discussed agriculture. Mid parsley and rosemary comments, That’s Not Chinese advised, “You realize you’ve got bugs…..” Having had rose bushes in the past I knew exactly what the rest of her sentence would entail, thus, threw my head down, tossed out the roses, and shook my hair profusely. Just thinking about it now makes my head itch. “Those aren’t bugs,  they are aphids – plant lice, and I am not having any part of that,” I advised her and added, “This is why I do not have rose bushes.” “Can you imagine if you had that rose in your bush?” That’s Not Chinese said and then MLOLed. “Nice maniacal laugh. Muffuary is over. I shaved. One more reason I will not have a rose bush,” I replied.


After ploughing through a bottle of wine, I told her, “I’ve got to go, and not just because the wine is gone.” And just as quickly as the roses were out of my hair, I was outta there….until the next time when, sans aphid infested flowers in our hair, we divide, conquer and plough through our city.

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