Only 3 People?

Bruiser decided to host a girls night at her house, so On My Terms and I convinced Mini Sparkle Donut to join us. Prior to picking her up, we put together a plate of food for the party. Bruiser hadn’t given food assignments and, in fact, was rather blasé about it, “Just bring whatever.” Thus, On My Terms and I did just that. We put together a plate with a tortilla, half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a few carrots, a box of tic tacs, a few thin mints, applesauce, chocolates, pickles, olives, fruit leather, half-chewed piece of gum, a grape tomato and a package of mustard. When we arrived at Bruiser’s house, Mini Sparkle Donut completed the plate with a crocus that she picked out of Bruiser’s yard. This is how we earned the role of Future Homemakers of America in high school, I’ve no doubt.


The party was in full swing, which was a bit of a shocker for Mini Sparkle Donut, “Who starts a party at 6? Seriously. And we need to be on time? Wow.” Not only were we on time (which means about twenty minutes late), but we  were just in time for beverages and board games. “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a party like this before,” Mini Sparkle Donut said in amazement while snapping photos like a tourist. “This is what women do when they get together. Totally crazy,” I advised her.


By 9:30 many of the current homemakers of America were ready to call it a night and MiniMe, who joined us for the debauchery, was near death as a result of the fact that I failed to tell her to bring medicine and an inhaler. The inhaler would have been a nice touch on our plate of randomness.


Not ready to end this wild night, but wanting to make sure MiniMe lived to see another day, Mini Sparkle Donut, On My Terms and I returned to my house for karaoke and allergy medication. We sang several songs, posed for pictures, made videos and, by about 3:30 in the morning, we were ready to call it a night.


The next morning/afternoon, while stooping with Mini Sparkle Donut, Ice Cream Man and Sleepless, my neighbor waved and said, “Surprised to see you up already. Sounded like you had a big party last night.” “Oh, we didn’t have a party. There were only three of us,” I advised him. “Only three people!?!?” he said, shocked. “Yes, we were singing,” I replied. “Singing? It sounded more like screaming,” was his reply.


Mini Sparkle Donut quickly pulled out her video of our evening to prove that we were, in fact, singing. Somehow, between last night and this morning, it changed from singing to screaming and it definitely sounded like way more than three people.

4 thoughts on “Only 3 People?”

  1. Madre why is it that I wasn’t in the story until only half way through it. Seriously I had some of my best talents exposed at that party like helping the Current Homemakers of America learn who to use a board game while drunk. And I took some amazing photos of the closet doors. I feel like my talents were wasted. And I have been in the same room as the whole kareoke singing thing and well it is usually yelling something like this “TEA FOR TWO AND TWO FOR TEA, ME AND YOU AND YOU AND ME!” What a great song.

  2. Your talents are never wasted! We all very much appreciated your guidance and patience while we tried to engage in new technology, like board games. Tea for Two is one our best songs. Thank you for recognizing. Love you wee one!

  3. I would like to add that minime looked very beautiful in her floppy hat with the red scarf and I do have some amazing images that she had taken on the bean bag (they may have been deleted, but anyway)…

    Dear minime: you may have only come in to the story halfway through. But you were in my story at the very beginning when I got to sit in the back seat with you. That is when my night began!

    Mini sparkle donut

  4. Great observations Mini Sparkle Donut. The photos on the bean bag were amazing.

    Ah, kind words for MiniMe. She loves having you in her life!

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