Can’t beet meat

When it comes to eating, I’m pretty much bi – I’ll go both ways. Meat, no meat; for the most part, as long as it is food I’ll give it a go. That said, I don’t do diets. I would much rather live than diet. For me it is all about exercise (the fake kind) and portion size. If I’m having dessert, I prefer a large portion. Bread, large portion. Wine, large pour-tion.


I was discussing this with a coworker who is currently on a salad and diet drink diet. I love salad. Diet drinks, not so much. Some of my favorite salads include arugula and beets, “When I see people eating salads with beets on them, I kind of want to take the beets when they’re not looking,” I advised her. We continued to talk about salad for some time and it was making me quite hungry. “Let’s go to that restaurant with your favorite beet salad,” she suggested. “Yes, let’s do. All of this talk has got me longing for their french dip sandwich,” I replied.


Once at the restaurant, she also ordered a french dip sandwich. We both, however, chose salad (with beets) instead of fries. A few minutes later, our server walked by with a plate of fries for another table. We immediately beckoned him over and ordered a side of fries. “What should I walk by with next?” he asked. “Dessert,” I advised.


When the check arrived, my coworker requested a takeout box for one half of her sandwich. “Where is your food? Did you not ask for a takeout box?” she asked me. “Are you being serious?” I asked her and added, while pointing to my mouth and belly, “My food went here, then here.” “You ate all of that?” she said in shock. Like I said, I don’t diet and you really can’t beet meat.



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