
Texting is not one of my mother’s strengths. The other day, I spoke with her about going to dinner to celebrate one of my sibling’s birthdays. The tentative plan was to go out tonight.


Two days ago, I was in a meeting and noticed my mom was phoning me. I assumed the call was related to my sibling’s birthday dinner, not a Med Alert and, because I was in an interview panel, let it go to voice mail. After the panel, I checked my messages, “It’s your mom. I just tried to send you a text, but I’m not very good at it. So, what I meant to say in the text is we can’t go to dinner Thursday night. Maybe another night. I’ll keep working on learning how to text. Love you.”


I then looked at my text and, sure enough, my mother had sent me a text. It read “2;” nothing more, just “2.” Sleepless quite liked this and, to show how much she liked it, sent me a text this morning that read, “2.” I replied, “I was just going to say that.” Her reply, “Thinking of you and making sure you know there’s no dinner tonight…..Don’t forget to eat.”


“2” actually says a lot without saying much at all – which is great if you have a limited text plan. Two divides, is kindness, balance and a bunch of other spiritual stuff. Next time I need to tell you something really important, but don’t have time to include the details, “2” will take care of it. That said, “2.”

2 thoughts on “Two”

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