Not so Wisenhower

On My Terms is one of my friends who, like Sleepless and I, has a great love for karaoke. When she and I get together, ending the evening with a few hits off my Wow! karaoke machine from the Philippines is a must. As much as we love the stage, we love mic time even more and doing karaoke in the comfort of our home guarantees us this benefit – or so we thought.


When I met up with On My Terms at her friend’s house, I found they had an American karaoke machine – something I’m not used to using, however, was ready to learn. But first, a drink. I opted to drink a light rum and made an attempt to use ‘healthy mixers.’ Organic grapefruit juice, lime juice, brown sugar and aloe vera juice – a concoction referred to as a “Bacardi Eisenhower” and made popular by the Sterling Cooper creative team. Aloe vera juice is one of my favorite juices and, in addition to tasting delicious and minimizing hangovers, it aids in digestion. I wasn’t aware of the latter.


While singing several songs, I enjoyed a couple of Eisenhowers. On My Terms and I got hungry for the karaoke we have come to know and love and eventually plugged in the Wow! We sang a few songs together and her friend quickly became keen of our machine. “I’m going to need to do this one on my own,” he told me while preparing to sing Careless Whisper. So much for our guaranteed mic time.


Many hours, songs and drinks later, On My Terms and I decided it was time to retire for the evening. We made our beds downstairs, brushed our teeth and went to sleep. As is routine for On My Terms, we only slept for a few hours and left before the homeowners woke.


Turns out that was a really good decision. Within seconds of arriving at home, the aloe vera kicked in or, more accurately, out. As much as my body wanted to sleep, my belly was working overtime. So, although ‘healthy,’ drinking several of these is clearly not so wisenhower.

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