Low impact

I love aerobics – especially when I can watch it on television. My favorite aerobic show, by far, is the one that played in the 1980s on PBS. As I watched the woman, with the amazing perm, in her leotard, tights,and legwarmers, using the chair to do low-impact aerobics, I would think, “Some day. Some day that may be me.” I’d then pop another cracker, topped with way too much strawberry cream cheese, in my mouth and be frustrated about the fact that I had to get up to change the channel.


Years later, fitness shows have expanded beyond PBS and can be found pretty much any time of day or night. Ice Cream Man figured that out one day and sent Dar Ling a romantic, low-impact text, “Jazzercise. My place. 5:30.” Ice Cream Man felt this would be a good, low-impact, gym replacement. He quickly learned why they have a chair on the PBS version and why I usually just watch.  Low-impact is key.


“It (Jazzercise) was harder than I thought,” Ice Cream Man told Sleepless and I. “Plus, I’d be more embarrassed if somebody saw me (through the front room windows) doing that than if someone saw us having sex,” he told Sleepless. “Why?” Sleepless asked. I was glad she did, because I also wanted clarification of thit statement. “Because I suck at Jazzercise!” Ice Cream Man replied. That comment quickly took our conversation, and heart rates, to a whole other level.



2 thoughts on “Low impact”

  1. I remember that PBS show – I had a crush on the dark haired girl with the big knockers

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