Hey, Tony! ML.

While movie marathoning with Not So Little Man, we learned some very valuable lessons.


1. Arriving early to get a good seat does not guarantee the seat will still be good later on.


2. ‘Flipping the bird’ is not well received by a lot of people.


3. Maniacal laughter is not just for fictitious villains.


We arrived at our first movie a few minutes before it started and, as a result, our only seating options were the first or second row. Not wanting to experience such screen proximity again, and with 30 minutes in between the two movies, we had enough time to smuggle contraband and select the perfect seats – left side, middle of the theater, multiple empty rows in front of and behind us. A few minutes before the movie started, a group of drunk teenagers entered the theater, assessed all of the empty seats/rows, and opted to sit directly behind us. Their drunk whispers and constant trips (literally) to the toilet didn’t cease – the entire movie.


When sitting near a group like this, it is tempting to let them know how you feel about their activity and, although it would have been easy to do so, Not So Little Man and I opted to stick to our new trick: the verbal bird. In the previous movie, one of the characters shouted out, “Hey, Tony,” and then gave him (Tony) the finger. So, every time, they (or anyone else from that point forward) did something unfavorable to us we just stated (or shouted depending on location), “Hey, Tony!” Doing so with a Jersey accent is required for emphasis and impact.


The last thing we learned is something we plan to incorporate in text messages, facebook comments and any other form of communication. Maniacal laughter, aka, ML. There are definitely times when spontaneous sound and/or movement of the face and body, which typically indicate amusement, could be taken up a notch with a little maniacal action. Instead of just LOLing, we plan to MLOL. While other people are LMAOing, we’ll be MLMAOing. And, just as you are getting up after ROFLing, we’ll just be getting started with the ROFMLing. If you’re not keen on our new laugh, well, we’ve only got one thing to say to you, “Hey, Tony!”

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