Dewey Does Donovan

A while ago, at the library (of course), I was judging books and CDs by their covers and stumbled upon Donovan Frankenreiter. I liked what I heard and requested a few more of his albums. I listened to his CDs day and night  – I even had to place a hold on one of them because, as it turns out, I am not the only person in the city aware of him. When the time finally came to return him to the library, I didn’t want to do so.


Thus, when I saw he was stopping by as part of his tour, I was elated. Being that the concert was on a ‘school night,’ I knew my options for accompaniment might be limited. I took a chance and asked Sleepless her plans for the night, “We’re going to a concert. Some guy whose last name is Frankenfurter.” “Perfect! I’ll join you,” I replied, knowing she meant Frankenreiter.


After cocktails at Ice Cream Man’s place, we walked to the venue. Within minutes of being there, we spotted Donovan and approached him for a picture. After the picture, we noticed he was selling moustaches for $1, so we bought several, posed for more pictures with him, and asked his friend if he would like to go on a moustache ride.


As we were walking back to our group, we saw Frat Boy at the bar and he asked if we’d like a drink. We graciously accepted, very much appreciative of his generosity. The bartender made the drinks and then asked, “Do you want to pay out or start a tab?” “Put it on Ice Cream Man’s tab,” Frat Boy replied. Forever frat he will be.


Donovan started playing and, as we promised him, we made our way to the front and danced. While there, I provided a few shout outs, “I’ve been checking you out for some time, literally, at the library. I’m your three of 37 holds and I’ve got fines because of you.” Once he realized most of the banter was coming from Sleepless and I, he gave a shout out to the library. It was at this time that Frat Boy told Ice Cream Man, “Those are the girls you brought.” Ice Cream Man proudly nodded and took a sip of his drink, courtesy of himself.


A few people standing next to Sleepless and I asked what I meant about three of 37 – they thought I was, perhaps, “being dirty.” I explained the library hold process to them and then Sleepless took over and expounded on library benefits. While Sleepless was providing an overview, a woman – who clearly thought she was at the library and not a concert – shooshed her. “Did you hear that?” Sleepless asked me and added, “She shooshed me. I’ve never been shooshed.” “Welcome to my world,” I replied.


I’ve been shooshed at a concert before. Surprisingly, I’ve never been shooshed at the library. Good thing, because that might turn me off and being turned off from the library might mean I would miss out on being turned on to/by great artists – something I would dread. Thankfully, Dewey (Decimal) did Donovan.

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