Coffee and Chloroform.

Not So Little Man decided to spend Spring Break in the big city. After several hours on the road, he arrived, ready to hit the town. We attended a conference with FatGirl, dined with Q and MyFace, and then attended a tattoo convention with Passed The Sniff Test.


Even with all of these festivities, we were home and in bed long before midnight. The next morning, we woke up around 9, ate breakfast, and decided to watch a documentary. As it started, I warned him of the power of my couch and chair, “They tend to make people very sleepy.” Five hours later he woke up and said, “There has to be something on this couch. I’ve never slept this long.” “I did have them spray a stain guard on them,” I advised him. “Are you sure it wasn’t chloroform?” he asked. “No, not really,” I replied.


We decided it might be best to get out of the house – even though my carbon monoxide detector has never gone off and the batteries are still functioning – and see a couple of movies. It has been a while since I’ve participated in a legal movie marathon; however, wanting to be a good example, we paid for both movies upfront. The first movie was good, a bit serious, but good. We decided to grab coffee at a nearby shop before returning for the next movie.


With our tickets and coffees in our hands, we approached the ticket taker. “Sorry.  No outside food or drinks,” she advised us. We stepped outside, figured out a way to conceal them in my purse, approached the ticket taker again, and she let us in – no problem. So much for being a good example.

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