Bun in the oven

This whole baby/starter business does not seem to be working out for me. While Bitchin’ Camaro’s baby, Oh Feel Ya, was growing at Guinness World  Record rates, and That’s Not Chinese had to stick her baby, Claire, in the fridge to stunt her growth, my baby was struggling.


Silverman – named after Sarah Silverman because of her episode about the imaginary boyfriend and fingers that smelled like sourdough – appears to be in a funk. She hasn’t grown one bit since leaving Alice’s house. I even placed her right next to the heating vent for several hours in an attempt to help the process. Sadly, this attempt was in vain.


As many new moms do, I reached out to the other moms (Alice, That’s Not Chinese and Bitchin’ Camaro) for advice. Alice had some solid advice, “Keep her warm and feed her. It is okay to let her REST in the fridge ~ not the dishwasher.” Alice is not a fan of ‘magic cabinets.’ I decided to let Silverman rest in the fridge, however, totally forgot about the feeding part. Minor detail.


I’m thinking tomorrow, while Bitchin’ Camaro and That’s Not Chinese are enjoying the buns from their ovens, I may feed Silverman. Maybe.





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