
Like so many people, my friends and I are not perfect. We may, however, and I say this with some reservation, be normal.


Like many friends, we are from various backgrounds and wear various sizes of clothing. Although our backgrounds may be ‘steady,’ for most of us, our clothing sizes are not. That’s the thing with weight. It is probably the one thing that, when lost, is most often found. I usually find mine on my back, on top of my jeans, or on my ass.


That’s Not Chinese recently attended a training where she learned that if one’s best friend is obese, they have a 53% chance of also being obese. “You may need to get a new BFF or bigger pants,” she told me. Obesity is defined by BMI – or Body Mass Index. I can say, with non-scientific certainty, that my BMI fluctuates on a regular basis and my BMs (bowel movements) are most likely to blame. I’ve delivered more than one healthy kid to the pool. I haven’t, however, delivered my body to the gym for a workout.


I regularly think about exercising. I’ll try on a pair of pants or, better yet, a bikini, and think, “I should really hit the gym again. Tomorrow. No, no, can’t do it tomorrow. Maybe the next day.” Then, I’ll have another bite of sea salt caramel ice cream. As a result, I have a case (not to be confused with a ‘six-pack’) of what I call ‘procrastinweight.’ Writing this makes me think I should do something about it….maybe tomorrow.


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