Fine girl is really into insertion and manipulation, more specifically, acupuncture. While celebrating her upcoming retirement and Calling The Dog’s birthday, she told us she had an acupuncture appointment afterward. She went on to tell us how handsome her acupuncturist is, “I love going to him for that reason.” She isn’t the only person I know who goes to certain providers because of their looks. That’s Not Chinese and Dr. BJ went to a particularly chiropractor for years because he was, “really good and really good looking.” I go to my doctor because she is covered by my insurance.
A while back, Fine Girl had a great session with her handsome acupuncturist. The next morning, she got up to go to work, tossled her hair a bit, and found a pin (needle) in her head. “I was a pinhead – I still had a pin in my head because, somehow, he had missed one. So, I pulled it out,” she told us. “I was kind of wishing you had left it in your head and gone to work,” I told her. “Yes, that would have been good,” Calling The Dog agreed and added, “Then, when people noticed it you could have said, ‘Duh, I know. Quit messin’ with my qi.'” “Did you ever tell him he left one in?” I asked. “No, I can’t tell him that – he’s too good looking,” Fine Girl replied. At this point, she was just being a pinhead, literally.