Dreamsicle come true

The Responsible One and I clearly didn’t spend enough time together the other day on the road trip, so we decided to attend a training together today. I invited MissInformation, but she never returned my call. There’s a good chance she is avoiding me and/or in therapy trying to cope with seeing my naked body the other day.


Not wanting to revisit that scenario, I told The Responsible One I would meet her at the training. She arrived before me and sent me a text saying she would save me a seat. A few minutes later, she sent me another text, “Just kidding. Wrong hotel. I’ll save you a seat when I get there.” Apparently The Responsible One pulled a me. Luckily, like me, she didn’t go to the wrong room, just the wrong hotel.


By the time I arrived the training had been going for at least 30 minutes and The Responsible One had stepped out to take a phone call. Our seats were front row and the only way to enter the training was from the front of the class room. We debated waiting to return to the room at break, but one of the training staff informed us break wouldn’t be for some time, so we ended up walking into the front of the training room and taking our seats. Five minutes later, the instructor announced a break.


The Responsible One pulled out a laminated picture of her boss’ head, which was on top of Charlie Brown’s body. “I need to take pictures of him in random places. You should probably take him home with you.” “Let’s go do that now!” I said and added, “I love doing stuff like this.” We were sticking him everywhere – in the microwave, the tourist information display, with the beverages, in the grass, on the flat screen during a media conference – he was really getting around. Unfortunately, he was having difficulty staying erect (that’s what he said) and we determined it might be helpful to tape something to the back of him. “Maybe we could use tongue depressors,” The Responsible One suggested. “How about creamsicle sticks? We can eat them and then use the sticks,” I suggested. We were just about to do another photo opp when, like recess, the break ended.


As we made our way back to our front row seats, The Responsible One was trying to hide her boss from the rest of the trainees, so she stuck him in her jacket. “Do you really think that is an appropriate place for your boss? I’m not taking a picture of that,” I said. During the rest of the training, I couldn’t stop thinking of places where we could take his picture – so exciting!


After the training, I received a picture message from The Responsible One. It was of her boss, having an appertif. We decided to take more pictures of the gnome next week, “You, me and a photo-shopped guy on a popsicle stick. It’s like a dream come true,” she said in a text. “Dreamsicle come true,” I replied.

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