
A friend of She’s An Angel’s happened to be in town, so while Not So Little Man, Super Fun and I tooled around town visiting friends and family, She’s An Angel went to dinner with her friend.


As it got later, I asked Not So Little Man if She’s An Angel was planning on staying with her friend overnight. He didn’t know. “Did she say what time she would be back?” I asked. No. She’s An Angel eventually called to check in with Not So Little Man and told her she was going to hang out with her friend a little longer and would be coming home. “Looks like she’s decided to have dessert,” Not So Little Man told Super Fun and I as he hung up the phone. “Nice upsell on his part,” I replied. “Literally,” Super Fun quipped.


Like a salesman trying to make commission, we continued with the one-liners. “My grandma says she is going to take him around town tomorrow,” Not So Little Man said. “Town?” I asked. “That’s what her boyfriend calls her, ‘town,'” said Super Fun. “Oh, wait, I think he meant to say he was going to go to town or go downtown,” Not So Little Man added.


By now, Q had joined the group and was new to the banter. “You’re talking about your grandma, right?” “Yep,” Not So Little Man proudly answered and added,  “We should be seeing her shortly. I’ve got a feeling they’re closing the deal now if they haven’t done so already.”

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