While visiting BeCuz, her son invited us to play a few games of BINGO. As the host of the game, he decided to be the Caller (the person who calls out the BINGO numbers), and provide us a pleasant BINGO experience by preparing drinks. “Does everyone like Sunny-D?” he shouted out to us. We all stated ‘yes,’ and knew right away this was going to be quite the game.


As we entered the front room, we found that in addition to having our names on our glasses of Sunny-D, Caller had assigned seating for all of us. It quickly became clear that Caller was very familiar with the rules of BINGO. As he stirred the balls in the cage and called out several numbers, the majority of us still only had the ‘FREE’ space marked. “I think we’ve got a bad batch of balls,” I advised him. “These balls aren’t bad, they’re just tiny,” Caller replied. “Speaking of tiny balls, remind me to show you something later,” BeCuz told me.


“Awkward,” Not So Little Man stated. “Like our family photo,” Super Fun interjected. “Are we playing TMI or BINGO?” I asked. “BINGO!” Caller replied and added, “It’s fun!” “You know what, I’ll just show you what I was talking about now,” BeCuz advised me. “There are kids here,” I reminded BeCuz. “Right,” she said while finishing off her Sunny-D and turning on the TV. It was at this time that I wished for a blackout – both on my BINGO card and the TV.


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