No shirt, full service

I arrived in Brooklyn to pouring rain and the pouring out of hospitality by HObama and ImPalin – two gentlemen I met last year while visiting Manhattan. My stay with them was last-minute, so I was extremely appreciative of the hospitality. Just prior to arriving, ImPalin sent me a text, “You’re welcome to put your stuff in my room and share my bed, freshly washed sheets.” Thus, when I arrived I planned on doing just that. As it got closer to bed time, HObama offered me his bed, “I’ll change the sheets and you can have my bed all to yourself.” “Wow, thank you,” I replied while looking over at ImPalin who raised his eyebrows a bit, ‘shrugged’ with his face, and said nothing.


The next morning, it was as if I was in Las Vegas with Frenchmen again. This seems to be an annual trend for me. As I entered the front room I found ImPalin and HObama on their computers – ImPalin was wearing nothing but briefs and HObama was wearing pajama bottoms. “Good morning,” they greeted me. “Yes. Good morning,” I replied.


A little while later, HObama offered to make breakfast. I graciously accepted the offer and was delighted to receive my egg and bagel served to me from HObama, still sans shirt. “No shirt, full service. I like it,” I told him. “Nothing but the best for our guests,” he replied. Another house guest interjected, “I don’t usually get this kind of service.” “That’s true, if you weren’t here he would be making his own breakfast,”HObama advised. “Well I appreciate it and you will receive nothing but positive feedback from me on TripAdvisor,” I advised.

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