Much a Dew About Nothing

Some or, to be honest – one, do not see me as a self starter. I don’t take offense to this because there are times, mostly the mornings I am supposed to go to work, when I feel the same way.


Regardless of how I may feel about the whole Dolly Parton workday, I still ‘self-start’ (after a minimum of three alarms – 1. Yawn and stretch, 2. Get up, but don’t go, and 3. No, really, now you have to get up) and make my way in to work. The last few days have been very early days for me, however, I am with people who I don’t typically work with, so it hasn’t been too difficult.


As we were all sitting at the Information desk – ready to give out information and wondering what happened to our ‘While you check-in, we’ll check you out’ sign’ – we began reminiscing about the last few days. Sleepless and 2Dew weren’t aware of the goblet situation involving Nick-e and Day Job, so we filled them in.


While attempting to nick some of the chilled soft beverages (insert French accent here…’sof beverage’) from the cooler, Nick-e lifted the lid, which bumped the goblets that were stacked, pyramid style, just behind the cooler. Day Job was nearby, grabbing a pretzel, and quickly stepped in to help. Not wanting to have anything happen to her pretzel, she held it out away from the goblets and tried to stop the domino action with her free hand. Nick-e was doing the same, sans pretzel. Their attempts had an opposite impact and the goblets toppled quickly. A conference attendee exited one of the sessions and said, “We heard that.”


“Wow,” 2Dew replied in response to the story. “I had no idea that happened. Stressful. I brought one Dew (Mountain Dew) a day. Two for a really bad day, which I think will be tomorrow.” “Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?” I asked. “Just a feeling. You can have my Two Dew,” 2Dew offered, “Do you want it?” “No, I can’t take it from you,” I said. “Really, you can have it if you need it,” 2Dew assured me. “No thanks. Normally I would, because I don’t drink soda and I like when people make unnecessary sacrifices for me, but I like you,” I told her.


At about this time, Day Job was busy doing her job of handing out facilitator packets when we noticed she had given a facilitator an incorrect handout (it detailed the name of a different presenter than the one with whom she was facilitating). Upon learning this, Day Job realized she hadn’t been checking any of the names. “I’m never doing this again. I can’t do it right. They still won’t let me forget about the gift bags, the handouts, or the glasses. I’m glad I’ve got a day job.”


The deal with the gift bags was simple, per say. Each facilitator was given a bag full of prizes for each session. The prizes were to be given away individually, however, Day Job thought some of the prizes seemed too simple, so she had been telling the facilitators to give away the entire bag of prizes to one recipient. Turns out, that was wrong. A couple people’s feathers were ruffled by the error. The Information Desk though it was funny and some of us even offered to give up the free prizes from our corndog kids meals should they need them. Much, too much, ado about nothing.

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