Subliminal message

Once again, I am trying to enhance my skill set by perfecting a language. I recently checked out every book, CD, and DVD the city libraries had in stock in an attempt to learn French. I purposely sought out instructional material for babies/toddlers/youth, because I think this may be more helpful.


Last night, I put on SING AND LEARN french! This CD/book combo is full of ‘songs and pictures to make learning fun!’ I’ve listened to it a few times and have tried to sing along. As always, I struggle with the non-pronunciation of the ‘n,’ ‘r,’ and ‘t’ at the end of many words. After about six songs with lyrics, the CD plays music only – no lyrics – with a house/disco/electro funk flare.


I decided to let the music play (thank you one-hit wonder, Shannon) and hit the hay or, as they probably don’t say in France, “frappé du foin.” MiniMe arrived at the house as I was doing so and asked about the music playing. “What is this?” “It’s a CD to help me learn French,” I told her. “What?” “It’s a CD to help me learn French,” I repeated. “But there are no words,” she said, clearly confused. “Pretty sure the messages are subliminal,” I replied. “Well, I really can’t understand what you are saying with that retainer in your mouth, so I highly doubt the French will understand you either,” she informed me. “I actually think the retainer will help my French. As you can hear, I have difficulty pronouncing the letters that, in French, are usually dropped, so, voilà. That word, voilà, totally French.”


“I really don’t know what you’re saying,” she stated and left the room. “Thorry, nex time I’ll thing. I find the thinging helps me learn,” I tried to communicate with her, but she is right, my retainer does seem to create a language barrier. On the plus side, my teeth are straight and it ‘pooks out my lips’ – which saves me from having to get injections.


“Bonne nuit,” I called out, and then hopped in bed and hoped the subliminal messages (which, directly “Google” translated is ‘messages subliminaux)’ worked.

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