
While camping with Chauffeur and BioMom, they had the luxury of a small shack/cabin with electricity. Opreggano, Cream Of Tartar and I had the luxury of a tent – with a divider so we had separate rooms – that was several yards away from the shack/cabin and in close proximity to the outhouse.


We were all sitting around the fire pit area when BioMom went inside the shackabin (get used to it, Opreggano was Brangelina-ing words all weekend) and Chauffeur followed behind her.


Although they weren’t in there too long, they didn’t come out right away. “What do you think they’re up to?” Cream Of Tartar asked. “Snuddling,” Opreggano replied. “Snuddling?” Cream Of Tartar and I asked in unison. “I meant to say ‘snuggling,’ but then somehow it combined with cuddling and became snuddling,” she answered.


Once I returned home from camping, D-Dog stopped by and we went for a walk up to Skiwi and DDDG’s house. We arrived to find NPR playing on the bistro speakers, however, the bistro was empty. We rang the doorbell, sat down at the table, and waited. A little while later, we phoned Skiwi and sent him a text – no response. After about a half hour of enjoying his amenities without him, we continued on our walk.


By the time we returned to my house, Skiwi called to find out if we were still in the area. “We were here, but we were just taking a nap. Snogging (British version of snuddling), really. My phone was in the car so I didn’t hear it or get the text until now,” Skiwi said and asked, “How long were you on the bistro?”  “We were there for about 30 minutes,” I replied. “30 minutes. Huh. Well it’s good to know that I can still snog for more than 30 minutes,” he said while giggling. Sounds like he wasn’t just snogging. I believe this chap was shagging – snuddling taken to the next level.

5 thoughts on “Snuddling”

  1. Nothing like out of control laughing (at least a Cheshire cat smile) while sitting on a plane back to the Bistro. 5 days not reading the blog is 5 days too long…

  2. Ah Skiwi, you’re making me all blushy! Glad to hear you are caught up and you experienced one of my all-time favorite smiles – the Cheshire cat – it is full of so much goodness!

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