Shoulder Sweater

While in Manhattan, I had the privilege of sharing the room with Sleepless, Ice Cream Man, Drizzler and File Not Found. Like the Waltons, we took the time to tell each other good night. Afterwards, File Not Found – who was still reeling from the Dyson dryer – whispered loudly, “No, Drizzler.” As if to imply she was trying to get busy. “Oh please,” she replied and added, “I took two Aleve and now you’re keeping me up.” “You’re doing the same thing to me,” File Not Found quipped.


As we giggled about this the next morning, I asked File Not Found, “What part of Aleve me alone do you not understand?” “I thought the two Aleve were to relieve – both the headache and me.” “No,” Drizzler firmly replied. “All I know is I haven’t giggled myself to sleep in a long time,” File Not Found informed us.


After taking some time to get going, we grabbed some coffees, day-old cupcakes and hopped in the car to head to the Hamptons. “Look,” Drizzler said to us and held up a large map, “We brought one of these.” “A map. Great,” I replied. “We got it at a phone booth,” File Not Found and added, “I think it’s an antique.”


Thanks to the antique map, Ice Cream Man’s iPad and File Not Found’s mad driving skills (expedited lessons provided by hot Monika), we arrived in the Hamptons with time to meet up with Skiwi and DDDG. “Watch for a dashing man in a white linen shirt and tan cargos,” Skiwi advised us. We did and ended up finding him rather quickly. After tooling around town for a bit we realized we really dropped the ball on our attire. Although the All Access Pass went with everything, we were missing one essential article of clothing: the shoulder sweater. “We really should have stopped at a second hand shop and picked up some sweaters so we could drape them over our shoulders,” Sleepless stated with great disappointment. “Next time,” I advised.


After an hour or so of tooling around Southampton – while donning our lanyards and sunglasses, of course – we decided to get back on the road and head to our resting spot for the next few days: East Hampton. We weren’t alone in our journey, thus, the traffic was thick. With less than 20 miles and more than one hour in traffic to go, we decided to stop at a vineyard for a tasting.


As soon as Skiwi learned we could buy 1.5 liters for $10 and enjoy them on the patio outside, we stopped tasting and begin imbibing. An hour later, we were back on the road and really ready for the Hamptons – with or without our sweaters!