Redeye for NY!

If you are going to celebrate your birthday, I recommend doing it in style with your friends. Or, out of style with former friends – but, in my opinion, that is so last year.


I have the privilege of celebrating my birthweek with my friends, from everywhere, in Manhattan and the Hamptons. Being that we flew in on a redeye and didn’t sleep the entire flight, Sleepless and I were truly redeyed. Not wanting to let this get in the way of our festivities, we put on our sunglasses, dropped our luggage at the hotel and had breakfast at a diner known for (in my unofficial Zagat opinion) the best bacon in the city.


While at breakfast, we discussed our activities for the day. “Whatever we do, we should wear our sunglasses at all times. People will think we’re somebody,” I advised. “Good idea,” Sleepless stated while removing her glasses from atop her head and covering her famous eyes.


After breakfast, Ice Cream Man headed to a meeting and Sleepless and I headed to Central Park. Our plan: sleep. We found a lovely spot of lawn, sat down, and immediately had wet and grass-stained asses. “That didn’t go as planned,” Sleepless stated. We don’t easily give up and decided to continue to walk until we found a good sleeping spot, that wasn’t already occupied by families, weddings, business people, or homeless.


Being the princesses that we are, we found a nice couple of benches at the base of Belvedere Castle and took a lovely little catnap. There were a few times when it went a little third world – that would be the times flies were landing on us – but we stuck it out and, after an hour on a bench in the shade, we were ready to tackle the apple.


After castling and turtling, we decided we should return to the park in our workout clothes for a photo shoot. Nothing like a couple of pictures to make it look like you worked out at Central Park. “We definitely need a few of us stretching,” Sleepless advised.


Stretching, and yawning, is exactly what we did once we finally checked into the hotel. We can’t help it, we’re old. So, we took a nap – this time in beds – and were ready, instead of redeye, for NY!

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