It’s Crazy

Today is a big day for The Leaver and I because we finally started filming new footage for our documentary. Being that it was a special occasion, I wore cowboy boots.  I Was A Stripper was our subject for the day and she and I were having a smashing time reminiscing about the past. As we were doing so, we were being filmed.


Although The Leaver had met and worked with the film crew, today was the first time that I Was A Stripper and I worked with them. It became clear that the main camera guy was really into the shoot, “Ah yeah, this is crazy. It’s crazy good…..A little to the left….Do that again….It’s crazy good.”


I Was A Stripper was doing everything she could to meet the demands of the camera man, but clearly wasn’t doing all he wanted – and for good reason. She was, however, making the rock look fantastic. “It is so crazy good,” the crazy camera guy told her, “except there is a hair in your face.” Nothing ruins crazy like a hair somewhere.




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