
While dining with Fine Girl, Calling The Dog and Sleepless, we discussed the age-old (pun intended) question, “Should older women date younger men?” “I thought it was a good idea once, but I wouldn’t do it again,” Fine Girl advised us. Sleepless asked, “What is the cougar formula again?” “Cougars? You two aren’t cougars,” Fine Girl said looking at Sleepless and I. “If you’re cougars, then we’re grandma cougars,” she added. “Woolly mammoths,” Calling The Dog corrected her.


Later in the day, Prize Winner invited me to attend Ignite with her. If you aren’t familiar with Ignite, it is an opportunity for people to come together and hear 5-minute talks/presentations about anything and everything. As detailed on their website, “Ignite is a force for raising the collective IQ and building connections in each city.” One of the presenters was discussing computer programming and mentioned the word ‘MILF.’ The audience laughed, Prize Winner smiled, and then whispered in my ear, “I don’t get it. What does it mean?” I whispered the meaning to her, her mouth dropped open in shock, and she shared the saucy new information with her friend. Sweet Prize Winner – she is much more innocent than I, but, as intended, the collective IQ was raised.


As the presentations continued, Prize Winner suggested I participate in the next Ignite event. “I really think you should tell the broomstick story,” she advised me. “That is a good one. Although, I don’t know if it will take five minutes to tell it. It’s kind of one of those hop on/hop off stories. A true quickie,” I replied.


Once I got home, I thought further about Prize Winner’s suggestion and a possible presentation. Prize Winner, Fine Girl and Calling The Dog are all in the same age bracket – which is a wee bit older than me. With age, comes fossils of wisdom and, at times, naivety. Thus, our hanging out is the perfect mix. Together, we fossilitate a lot of incredible activities and experience. So, I think I’m going to do a presentation titled, “I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar.” If only I could find a cute, young IT guy to help me with the graphics.

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